The CASPer Test, also known as the Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics, is an open response
situational Judgment test that is designed to assess the personal and professional characteristics of individuals. The
Casper Test is a mandatory test for many professional schools including medicine, nursing, and dentistry, making it the
primary reason why students take it every year.
Check to see if the schools you are applying to require the CASPer test. You can check this by going to the school’s
websites or checking the CASPer registration page pertaining to your specific CASPer Test to see if your school is on
the list.
Through the process of preparing for this test you are improving your typing speed which can be valuable throughout your
life. In addition, the skills that you gain preparing for the CASPer test can be extremely helpful if your school of
choice has an interview later down the road. Many professional schools have an MMI (multiple mini interview) component
as selection criteria for their applicants. Preparation for the CASPer test can enable you to start at a much higher
frame of understanding when preparing for MMIs in the future.
This test examines how you navigate through different real life scenarios such as events that can occur in your personal
and professional life. The test is an opportunity for you to showcase your personal and professional qualities which
can’t be illustrated through your marks. The CASPer test is a method of schools sorting students based on their
qualitative skills. The CASPER Test aims to measure the 10 following character traits; collaboration, communication,
empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self-awareness.
Lack of preparation can negatively impact your chances of getting accepted into your dream school. The CASPER test is
not perfect and if you do not adequately prepare in a manner that the Casper test assesses your soft skills you might
not be happy with your results.
It is very easy and algorithmic to perform well on this test if you follow the right steps in your preparation journey.
Sign up and try out our 30 free CASPER Scenarios.